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Krystal Craven

I was raised in the church and I first accepted Jesus into my heart at the young age of 3, after hearing Psalty the Singing Songbook sing about being born again. As I grew, I learned all the stories about the God of the Bible, but hadn't been cultivating a relationship with Him. After my parents divorced as I entered my teenage years, I rebelled against the Christian norm only to end up facing heartache, trauma, and emptiness. 


I met my husband my junior year in high school, we got married soon after graduating. By this point, we were professing Christ, going to church intermittently, but we weren't abiding and growing in Jesus. It wasn't until we were facing the upcoming birth of our first daughter in 2008 that something sparked in us that it was time to get right with God once and for all. As we got plugged into a home church and started reading and studying the Bible, God welcomed me back with open arms as His prodigal daughter.


In 2015, God called us to move and come alongside a church plant. The very next year, I found myself in an extreme health crisis, unable to walk or talk. Since then, I've been riding a roller coaster of my health waxing and waning, but God has been faithful and gracious through it all! In the times of feeling low, He always meets me where I'm at, reminding me that His grace is sufficient for me and that I can indeed do all things through Him. 


Starting in my 20s through now, God has been using me through the gifts He's given in leading worship and writing the music He inspires. I don't know if I'll be healed from my disabilities, but I know that God is good and He's coming back soon, so I will serve the Lord with gladness, being faithful in what He's called me to until He comes! My heart and flesh will fail, but the LORD is my portion forever! Maranatha!

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