Kim Romero
When my father accepted Jesus into his heart, this is when I was being shared the gospel and the bible was being read to me by him. Sunday school at our new church came alive because the focus was on Jesus and how He died for my sins. I was being taught by bible readers that were excited about what Jesus did for them and how I am to walk with Him. I could sense that they really wanted to lead us kids to Jesus, mostly because they prayed with us and gave us an opportunity to accept Him in our lives. To top it off we were allowed to jump down (fly off steps in the school’s music room), turn around, touch the ground, and praise the LORD! It was a wild dance party praising Jesus each Sunday and Wednesday. I saw Jesus as FUN and how much he loved me while reading through the bible and being around others who do. I spent a lot of time praying alone, making sure I was born again so I wouldn’t get left behind when Jesus calls me home. I made my public stand at the Summer Harvest as a tween and always knew God saved me and loved me throughout my life. When I would pray, I remember something very well, I’d always ask God to never let me succeed unless my heart was fully committed to Him.
Today I see He is answering what I asked Him. He gives me what I need and takes away what He needs to for His purpose and for His glory and I am still open to be 100% ok with that. I know that I need to be constantly cleansed by His Word and without His death on the cross for me and resurrection, I would not be ok in this world nor eternally. He came to die for me so I can have a relationship with God. He is my substitute because I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I couldn’t have asked for anything more precious in my life but the gift my parents gave me and continue to share with me sticking close to Jesus by their walk with Him. I hope to share some of that FUN with you by reading and singing through the Word of God.
Thank you LORD for being the ultimate sacrifice for me. You have my heart, thank you for everyone that you brought in my life to show me the Key. It is You. In Jesus name Amen.
Acts 20:24