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Jon Caro

In 1990 I accepted Christ into my heart. My brother before me gave his heart to Jesus earlier that year and spoke to me about God. At the closing of service there was a call for people to walk up to the stage a share their new found faith. I walked up to the front of the stage at Calvary Chapel West Covina later to become Calvary Chapel Golden Springs led by Pastor Raul Ries. With my new discovered faith I decided to share the Word of God through music. I began playing in various worship groups and ultimately joined a band that was part of growing Christian music scene that reached world wide. Through out my music career I struggled dividing my time with God and the music I was playing. Fast forward to present day I notice that many bands claiming to be Christian lack the sharing of the Bible in their music. Thankfully there is a movement to get people (like me) into reading the scriptures again by inviting faith minded people to create a song in any form they want and express God’s word. I feel more than ever that the world needs to hear God’s word in these unprecedented times. This movement had planted a seed in me to get into God’s Word more than I have done before.

As our mind is renewed, this page is too.

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