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John 3:16

Romans 1:17

Isaiah 64:6

Philippians 3:9

Habakkuk 2:4

Romans 4:25

Galatians 3:29

John 1:12

1 Corinthians 15:3,4

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2 Peter 1:5-9

This is the Good News, the Gospel of God, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, and my Gospel:

Jesus died on a cross for your sinsHe was buried, and He rose again on the third day. This is Good News! Do you accept this invitation to have Jesus save you from going to hell forever because of your sins separating you from having a relationship with God?

Jesus stands in your place as a substitute, so when God sees you, He sees Jesus instead because of Him being on the cross, buried, and rising from the dead.

You can be made right with God and be with Jesus forever instead! Do you believe by faith that Jesus is your only Savior (you come with empty
hands with no other way of being saved)?

Yes or no?  

Now you can talk to Jesus in your own words: Tell Him that you understand that He died on the cross for your sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day. You see that you are a sinner in need of the One and only Savior, which is Him, Jesus. You need Him to take your place, so God can see Him instead of your sins, and let Him know that you want to be in His family. Let Him know you are really choosing to allow Him to make the change by Him taking your sins away forever (just as though your sins never happened).  Say thank you Jesus, be my Savior. Say in Jesus name Amen!


Now if you choose to go further with your relationship with Jesus, you can go find a bible reading church, and start reading thru the bible, so He can be your Lord.
 Do you want to choose Excellence? Remember, you are in His family because faith in the Gospel/Gift/Jesus, not by works. We can choose after to be close to Jesus, so we can get cleansed daily and live the abundant life.


As our mind is renewed, this page is too.

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